COERR Kanchanaburi organized a training in Saturday Activities Project in which Youth in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter in Kanchanaburi Province’s Sangkhlaburi District learned how to make Samosa Snack, a delicious deep fried pastry, with vegetables or meat filling.
Due to the social distancing measure in Covid-19 Pandemic, the training was held twice: on May 21st and May 28th, 2021. Each had 12 youth attended, that made a total of 24 trainees of 20 female and 4 male participants.
Moreover, COERR also supported the Sunday School activity on 23 May 2021 in which the catechists and children spent their leisure making snacks such as deep fried chicken balls and sausages for sale. They were divided into 3 groups, each had 6-10 children who volunteer to go door-to-door selling snacks. Funds raised by this event would be used for their next Sunday School activities.
Saturday Activities of Youth Learning about Samosa Snack Making
